Contact US:
For Immediate Help.
Call the office 9-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday and
9-2 p.m. Friday: 757.925.4365. After 5 pm Monday-Thursday and Friday 2 pm: 1.800.969.4673. While we have encountered new challenges and obstacles to overcome as a result of COVID-19,
we are still OPEN and AVAILABLE to provide services to survivors in our community.

How to text 911:
On your mobile device, enter the number "911" in the "To" or "Recipient" field of a new text message...
The first text to 911 should be short and include the location of the emergency, and ask for the police, fire, or ambulance...
Press the "Send" button
Answer questions and follow instructions from the 911 call taker
Save Money and Support The Genieve Shelter
You can support The Genieve Shelter when you take advantage of shopping on Amazon.com, especially during the holiday season. Get great deals while helping victims of abuse in Hampton Roads click on amazon smile.com and as your designated charity before checking out, select The Genieve Shelter and enjoy your savings! Share this message with others, and on social media.
Thanks so much for your continued support!

Mission Statement
The Genieve Shelter strives to provide a safe refuge and supportive environment for the victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking; provide information, education, and training services that focus on ending the cycle of violence.
Ofrecer un refugio seguro y un ambiente de apoyo para las víctimas de violencia doméstica, agresión sexual, acoso y trata de personas; proporcionar servicios de difusión de información, educación y entrenamientos los cuales se enfocan en la terminación de los ciclos de violencia.
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